s National Medical Center, served as the Site Principal Investigator for a new study that may advance asthma treatment and outcomes, specifically for inner-city children and teens. Findings from a clinical trial sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were published and released in the March 17 issue of the .
As noted in the , the investigational use of the drug omalizumab, sold under the brand name Xolair, was conducted in eight US cities by the Inner City Asthma Consortium (ICAC), a nationwide clinical trials network supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Additional support for this research was provided by the NIH National Center for Research Resources and Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.
“This Consortium is an important force in defining best practices in asthma care for at-risk children and adolescents across multiple institutions and regions,” said Dr. Teach. “Through our collaborations, we can be more certain that specific institutional and regional factors are not affecting our findings. The goal is to advance universal best practices.”
Dr. Teach was one of eight investigators, led by William Busse, MD, the principal investigator of ICAC and professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.The study enrolled 419 children and youths, ages 6 to 20 years old, diagnosed with moderate to severe allergic asthma lasting more than one year. The children were from Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, New York City, Tucson, Ariz. and Washington, D.C.Nearly all were minorities, including African Americans (60 percent) and Hispanics (37 percent). The study goal was to determine if adding omalizumab to NIH guidelines-based asthma therapy reduced the number of day